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MECH1110 Creo Tutorial 2: Extrusions
MECH1110 Creo Tutorial 1: Introduction
MECH1110 Creo Tutorial 3: Revolutions
MECH1110 Creo Tutorial 4: Sketching
MECH1110 Creo Tutorial 7: Patterns and Mirroring
MECH1110 Creo Tutorial 6: Datum Planes
Practice # M-Q3A: Extrude command using PTC Creo Parametric
Extrude on Different Planes - Creo Parametric
MECH4580 Tutorial 3: Importing aerofoil geometry in Creo
How to use Sweep, Mirror and Extrude in Creo Parametric | Tutorials
Chapter 6 Exercise 2 -Solid Model
MECH4580 Tutorial 1: Creo sweeps and blends